Friday, August 15, 2008

Malaysia Entrepreneurs Challenge (MEC)

ladies and gentlemen...
proud to announce that the Apprentice is now in Malaysia!!

don't believe it??..
tune to ntv7 on the 22nd-24th of August 2008 for the live telecasts

guess what??...
i'm one of the participants!! hehehe...

mcm xcaya je kan yg i'm one of the participant
actually dpt notice psl event nie pun last minutes that is 2 days before closing date...
tu pun coz bc announcement kat malaysian debater group..
at first, sj2 je kan apply utk masuk..
suke2 la katakan..
juz for fun!!
tak sangka la plak sampai terpilih..ish3 terharunye...

1 team ada 5 members..
so, i pun cari la lg 4 org
yg bley diharap n activ so that maruah UiTM Perlis xlah tercalar...
mule2 ingat nak send juz 1 team coz skrg nie tgh cuti mid-sem
ramai yg balik..
tp, at last UiTM Perlis sj hntr 3 team
dhsyat kan??...
kalu ikut organizer ckp, diorang akan select juz 11 team throughout Malaysia
so, lagi 2 team, i xtaw terpilih or x...

ape2 pun,
kpd kwn2 yg duk area KL and Slangor
dtg2 la ye kat any monorail station
give ur support for this event

harapan??...mesti la nak menang coz hadiahnya mmg best giler
nak taw hadiah ape??.. check website ni k?:

okay, gtg

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